Install macOS X on Mac Pro
Short instructions on how to install macOS X Lion onto a 2010 Mac Pro
using the official .dmg
file from Apple. It would be nice to install
Mountain Lion but for some reason that dmg is not available from the support
- macOS X Lion Installer dmg: Available from Apple
- Alpine Linux
- XAR Source Code
- 6GiB or greater USB Drive
Step 1: Compile XAR
XAR in the Alpine repo will not extract the files from the .pkg
so the
source must be compiled manually.
Source code for XAR from Github
Besides build-base
xar requires:
apk add openssl-dev musl-fts-dev
Generate the configure script:
autoreconf -i
This step will fail, the
file requires that the OpenSSL check
be modified to work on a modern system (line 327):
dnl Configure libcrypto (part of OpenSSL).
Run configure again and make:
The last step will fail... no problem just do it again and include the missing libraries at the end of the compile command:
gcc -Wall -g -O2 -o src/xar src/xar.o -Wl,-rpath,/home/user/Downloads/tmp/xar-master/xar/lib -Llib lib/libxar.a -llzma -lbz2 -lz -lxml2 -L/lib -lz -llzma -lm -lcrypto -lssl -lfts
Check it works by running the help command:
src/xar --help
Step 2: Extract the xar pkg file from the dmg
7z x InstallMacOSX.dmg
Step 3: Extract the dmg from the pkg
Find where the InstallMacOSX.pkg file is and extract it:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
src/xar -t -f InstallMacOSX.pkg
Step 4: Use dmg2img to write the install dmg
Find the InstallESD.dmg
file and alter the command below to taste (/dev/sdc
is the USB drive)
dmg2img -v -i InstallESD.dmg -o /dev/sdc
Step 4: Boot from USB
Press Alt (or Option) whilst booting the machine to show the UEFI boot menu.